Here's why we're building Sanctum

If you were to ask what the most important thing is to me, outside of my loved ones, it would be freedom.

Quite broad so I’ll specify:

I desire the freedom to determine how I live my life, how I spend my time, whom I spend it with.

My team at Sanctum share the same desire, as do many people in our circles. I’m sure many of you feel the same way and in fact, I bet that if they really thought deeply about it, a lot of humans want the same thing.

It took me many years, many life experiences and conversations to figure out what this desire looked like in actuality.

Eventually, I arrived at a few pillars that embody this.


Let me start by saying, I don’t believe governments are inherently evil. I also don’t think they are inherently good. They just are.

What I do believe, is that they make decisions that often don’t have our best interests at heart. In fact, some decisions are outright detrimental to us.

The problem is that you have nations with large populations, being governed by a relatively small group of people. Sure, they have systems in place, but managing large numbers of humans is hard.

With Sanctum we’re proposing to take it back to basics, by creating a layer between us and the government. To have some power in determining how we operate.

Each Sanctum location will have a population cap, which means we can remain intentional about our communities. This brings me to the next pillar.


From seeing what is happening in large cities and suburbs, to my own experiences, and speaking with 100s of people, we all desire connection, via smaller, more intentional communities.

In life we are often isolated, operating in small friend groups, but not connected to any kind of wider community as a whole.

There is something special that happens when you bring people together from many walks of life, enable them by crafting spaces for them to create, eat, share knowledge, laugh, dance, build together and more.

This concept already exists in many places in the world, mostly in an isolated fashion. With Sanctum we want to create a repeatable framework around this, so we can bring it to more locations.


When you take a deep dive into various food industries, from meat, to dairy, and even anything plant related, you will quickly notice that it is mostly profit over health.

You don’t have to look around for long, to understand about global food shortages. Owning access to quality food sources is an important pillar in Sanctum.

Knowing exactly where your food comes from, knowing that no shortcuts were taken in the name of profit and mass production, is not just for peace of mind, but also massively beneficial to your health and wellbeing.


Here’s where the thing about managing large populations comes into play again. For most of us, the education system we went through came about in the industrial era.

Over the last years there has been an awakened, global consciousness, that our typical education systems aren’t adequate, and don’t truly prepare our children for the future.

For our family and those around us, we are already witnessing the growth in our children, since we took this pillar into our own hands.

With Sanctum we will formalise that into a curriculum of sorts, to be able to offer it to more people.


Here, I am referring to energy and water. Even if you ignore the looming energy crisis in Europe, the ability to generate your own electricity is of paramount importance.

Here in Yucatán, where we have abundant sunshine, you can already see in other projects, how effective solar is.

Water is our lifeblood. I don’t need to list to you, all that water is important for. Nothing much happens without it.

Besides the fact that we live here, one of the main reasons we are beginning this project in Yucatán, is because of its abundance in water.


I think you can detect a theme. It’s about self determination. Let me be clear, this isn’t about alienation from all that we know, but having more of a say in how we live our lives, as well as ownership of vital touch points, identified in the pillars above.

I’m excited to share more with you, as time goes on.

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